Student Resouces and FAQ
Zoom is BYU-Idaho’s official video conferencing software. It can be used to hold class discussions and other meetings online. Some of the things you can do with Zoom are:
You can Download Zoom on your computer or mobile device. The following resources will help you learn how to use the different features available.
BYU-Idaho Zoom Guide
Zoom Help Center
Zoom Rooms
Audio, Video, Sharing
- Hold video calls for group project collaboration.
- Screen share to resolve questions and concerns live-time.
- Watch live and recorded lecture videos.
You can Download Zoom on your computer or mobile device. The following resources will help you learn how to use the different features available.
BYU-Idaho Zoom Guide
Zoom Help Center
Zoom Rooms
Audio, Video, Sharing
2-factor authentication (using Duo Mobile) is a security service to keep your personal account and information more secure. To learn more about 2-factor authentication and why we use it, check out Why is 2-Factor Authentication being implemented?
Set up your phone to receive a push notification from the Duo Mobile app to verify your identity when logging into your BYU-Idaho account while off campus. You can download this app for free on the Google Play Store/App Store.
See the additional resources below to help you setup Duo Mobile on your devices.
How to Set Up 2-Factor Authentication with Duo Mobile
Setting Up 2-Factor Authentication Without the Duo Mobile App
See the additional resources below to help you setup Duo Mobile on your devices.
How to Set Up 2-Factor Authentication with Duo Mobile
Setting Up 2-Factor Authentication Without the Duo Mobile App
BYU-Idaho students have access to numerous software programs, including LinkedIn Learning, MS Office, One Drive, and VMware Horizon.
BYU-Idaho provides a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) site that can be accessed via a web browser. The following software is available to students:
To access the VDI site, log in using your campus username and password. Select the “BYUI Software” button and it will launch a Windows desktop which you can use to access any of the software listed above.
For additional help, see the IT Help Center.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Bluebeam Revu 2018
- Feith FDD
- SPSS 25
- Logger Pro 3.15
- Maple 2017
- MATLAB R2018b
- Microsoft Office
- Neurosim 5
- Primavera P6
- TeXnic Center
- TI Connect CE
- Mathematica 11.3
- SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 (edited)
- Fathom 2
- GeoGebra
- Logisim
- Maple 2017
- VirtualChemLab
- Tinker Plots
- Power BI Desktop
- RStudio
- Integration Technologies Configuration
To access the VDI site, log in using your campus username and password. Select the “BYUI Software” button and it will launch a Windows desktop which you can use to access any of the software listed above.
For additional help, see the IT Help Center.
OneDrive is a cloud storage platform where you can save and share documents, presentations, videos, and other files. Each currently enrolled student is given 1 TB of free storage. With OneDrive you can:
To use OneDrive, go to the OneDrive website. Check out Accessing OneDrive for how to access it from the desktop and mobile phone apps. Additional help can be found in the following articles:
OneDrive FAQs
Using OneDrive for Business & Personal Use
- Access your files from any device.
- Collaborate on files with others (similar to Google Drive).
- Share files with others.
To use OneDrive, go to the OneDrive website. Check out Accessing OneDrive for how to access it from the desktop and mobile phone apps. Additional help can be found in the following articles:
OneDrive FAQs
Using OneDrive for Business & Personal Use
Outlook is the University's email provider for communicating with students, faculty, and staff. Email is the official communication channel for BYU-Idaho, and any important updates from the University will be sent through it. You can access Outlook through your Student Home page or through the desktop and mobile Outlook apps. See Email Tech Guides for additional help.
Proctorio is a remote proctoring system that monitors students while they are taking tests remotely. This allows you to take exams outside of the Testing Center. To setup Proctorio on your computer, follow this tutorial: Setting Up Proctorio.
Additional help can be found on the following pages:
Proctorio Articles
Proctorio Web Extension
Additional help can be found on the following pages:
Proctorio Articles
Proctorio Web Extension
Since all classes are moving to a remote model for the rest of the Winter and Spring semesters, faculty will be relying more on Canvas for course announcements, class discussions, assignments, quizzes, and posting grades. Access Canvas through I-Learn on your BYU-Idaho Student home page. Help with Canvas can be found on the following pages:
Canvas Student Guide
Canvas Basic Guide
Canvas Student Orientation
Canvas Student Guide
Canvas Basic Guide
Canvas Student Orientation
G Suite is a set of online productivity tools provided by Google. You can use G Suite for Education as an additional option to collaborate and share documents and files, and connect with others at BYU-Idaho through messaging and video conferencing. As an employee or student, you have access to use Google apps such Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Hangouts, and Forms. Please note that the official applications used by BYU-Idaho for email and calendaring is Microsoft Outlook. Therefore, Google’s Gmail and Calendar are not available.
Learn more about G Suite for Education.
Learn more about G Suite for Education.
To learn how to log in to G Suite with your BYU-Idaho account, please see the following link for a step by step guide. If you are not able to log in, please call 208-496-1411 for assistance.
G Suite products are not administered or supported by the Information Technology department. To find answers to questions about G Suite products and to get support, see the Google for Education website.
G Suite products are not administered or supported by the Information Technology department. To find answers to questions about G Suite products and to get support, see the Google for Education website.