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Geology and Environmental Science Internships and Careers

Learn more about opportunities for your future career in geology.
Geology Field Trip - Mar 2022

Enhance Your Skills with an Internship

Internships help students prepare for a career with relevant work experience where they can apply coursework skills and knowledge and gain exposure to jobs within their chosen industries.

BYU-Idaho provides a wealth of information to help you find internship opportunities, approval forms, and other useful internship information.

Find Internship and Career Services

Geology Internship Requirements

Must be closely related to the Geosciences (“what geoscientists do”)
Must last approximately 12 weeks (one semester) and 200+ hours
Must be approved by the Department Internship Coordinator
Getting Started with Your Geology Internship
How Do I Find an Internship?
How Do I Start the Process?
What Are My Responsibilities?
How Do I Find an Internship?
How Do I Start the Process?
What Are My Responsibilities?
How Do I Find an Internship?
How Do I Start the Process?
What Are My Responsibilities?

How Do I Find an Internship?

  • Talk to students who have had an internship.
  • Watch for opportunities posted on LinkedIn,,, and other sites.
  • Contact companies or entities you’re interested in working for. Do this by phone call, not online (unless they have a job posting online, then follow its instructions). This should usually be done in about February for the following summer.
  • Contact people you know, our seminar speakers, alumni, guest speakers in classes, etc.

How Do I Start the Process?

After you have found an internship, fill out the Internship Approval Form. This will automatically send requests to the department coordinator and the internship provider.

The Department coordinator will approve or deny your request. If it’s denied, you’ll be given instructions on how to get it approved.

Once it’s approved, you can register for Geol. 498R. This will (hopefully) also enroll you in the I-Learn course, but there is no course material or assignments there (see below).

What Are My Responsibilities During the Internship?

  • Send a weekly report to the Department coordinator (by email) saying what you did that week, what you learned, and any obstacles you encountered or concerns you have.
  • At the end of the internship, send a report summarizing the internship to the Department coordinator. Your supervisor should also send a brief report on your performance to the Department Internship Coordinator.
  • Conduct yourself professionally at all times. Do your very best work. Complete every assignment. Represent BYU-Idaho and our Department with honor. Treat all coworkers with respect.

Career Help

All Types / General Geoscience
Monster Jobs - The best site for environmental & petroleum jobs. Also includes some salary information.

America's Job Bank

Geology and Earth Science Jobs

Earth Science Jobs

Sloan Career Cornerstone Center - Gives guidance on geoscience careers and has links to job opportunities.
Visit AAPGto find links to petroleum-only sites.

Rig zone - Includes an extensive directory of petroleum and service companies
(Service companies provide data and services to petroleum companies. They generally hire people with 2-5 years of industry experience, and are excellent employers).

Some petroleum companies: Amerada Hess, Anadarko, BP-Amoco Arco, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Marathon, Pioneer Resources, Shell, TotalFinaElf, and others.
A few of their web sites include job postings, and most discuss careers.
Environmental / Engineering
One of the large companies URS employs 25,000 in the environmental & engineering fields. Visit ENR news records for more information.

Other environmental companies: Bechtel, Tetratech, CH2Mhill, Golder Associates, Weston Solutions, EarthTech, Shaw Group, Brown and Caldwell, Jacobs, and others.
Companies: Rio Tinto, Barrick Gold, Newmont Mining, and others (Top 50 Biggest Mining Companies).
Specialized Associations
Department Internship Coordinator