- Masters in Stastics, 2005 - Brigham Young University
- BS in Economics, 2003 - University of Utah
- Data Science
- Data Visualization
- Statistics
- R
- LDS church history
- Interfaith dialogue
Work Experience
- Senior Scientist – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 2005-2015
- Composite sampling
- Unexploded ordnance
- Data visualization
- Building energy modeling
LinkedIn Profile
I am currently at Brigham Young University - Idaho in the Mathematics department as the lead of our data science program. I worked at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory from 2005 to 2015.
While at PNNL I was a primary contributor to the Visual Sample Plan software (VSP) and led the technical development of the transect sampling and multi-increment sampling methods in VSP.
I also worked on ‘big data’ applications with Ryan Hafen using Hadoop technologies as the PRIMA lead data scientist with applications in climate modeling (PRIMA paper and Building Energy paper).
I love the programming language R and am the lead teacher of our key data science class at BYU-I.