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Become a Year-round Student at BYU-Idaho

Make the most of your off-track (flex) semester by becoming a year-round student.

Why Should You Consider Being a Student Year-round?

Students who take classes each semester year-round have a greater commitment to finish their education than those who do not attend year-round. Higher persistence rates lead to higher graduation rates.

Benefits include:
  • Chart a clear path to graduation 
  • Graduate faster
  • Save money 
  • Start a career sooner

How Can You Be a Year-round Student?

There are many options to consider as you plan your path to graduation. Find out which year-round options are best for you.

Take 30 Credits Per Year

If possible, enroll for 12 credits each semester during your on-track semesters and 6 credits during your off-track semester. Keep in mind that if you want to take on-campus classes during your off-track, you will need to obtain an override from the Admissions Office.

Reduced Tuition for Off-track Online Classes

If you take only online courses during your off-track semester, you receive a $50 discount per credit for your tuition. This discount only applies to enrolled online classes during your off-track semester. Taking a mix of on-campus and online classes disqualifies the tuition discount. In addition, if you are enrolled in distance classes (e.g., internships, tours, or student teaching) or audit classes during your off-track, you are unable to receive this tuition discount. However, you might qualify for financial aid during your off-track. Contact the Financial Aid Office to find out.

Complete an Internship During Off-track Semester

Your off-track is a great time to complete an internship for your degree. Most BYU-Idaho academic programs require internships. Visit the Internships Office to search for and apply for internships.

Applied Learning Projects

Applied Learning Projects (ALPS) provide students with professional experience to help students advance their education, strengthen resumes, and work on research projects. It’s a great opportunity for you to win more experience and prepare for a career.

Summer Session

BYU-Idaho offers courses between late July to early September on a condensed, 7-week schedule called Summer Session. Summer Session allows you to take extra classes by staying in Rexburg between Spring and Fall semesters.