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University Texting Communications
In addition to critical email updates, BYU-Idaho sends important academic updates via texting. Students are encouraged to keep their cell phone numbers updated so they can communicate with the university.

BYU-Idaho Texting Communications

View simple tutorials to update your phone number and how to select the types of messages you receive.
Learn the difference between BYUI messages and how to detect fraudulent messages.
Have questions or feedback? Please let us know!

Types of Text Messages to be Sent By the University

Emergency Updates
The university sends out emergency texts and other communications for safety concerns, natural disasters, and health risks.
For more information and tips, please visit
Academic Deadlines & Holds
Messages include critical updates pertaining to academic holds, registration deadlines, and more.

Student Texting Features include:
  • Messages based on YOUR needs & preferences
  • Critical academic updates and deadlines
  • Two-way communication with university departments