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Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities allow students to experience the great outdoors and build longer lasting relationships.

FHE Outdoor Activities

Duration: 10-20 Mins

Group Size: 8-16

Materials Needed: Blind-folds, two basketballs, basketball hoop.

Set-Up: Meet up at the court, divide into pairs

Principal Tie-in: Shared Responsibility


  • Pair off and decide your roles.
  • One player will be blindfolded, they are the only one who is allowed to shoot the ball.
  • The player who is not blindfolded helps the other shoot the ball by guiding them and telling them what to do.
  • All players line up and from the free-throw line, the goal is to shoot your ball before the person in front of you, by doing so you eliminate them.
  • As soon as you make a basket you pass your ball to the next person in line and the go to the back of the line.
  • The cycle will repeat until there is only one team left, they are the winner.

Principal Application: Debrief with some questions. How does this activity relate to being a student or member of the church? In what ways do we rely on other people like our teammate in the game.

Duration: 30-45 Mins

Group Size: 16-40

Materials Needed: Flag or another small object.

Set-Up: Determine location you will play at.

Principal Tie-in: Love


  • Determine the boundaries of your game.
  • Set up two home base areas and place the flag inside that area.
  • Your team is not allowed to be inside of the home base area to guard the flag but you can be close by outside.
  • Have your team split up so that you have some people guarding the flag and others trying to retrieve the opposing team’s.
  • To stop someone from stealing your flag you will tag them.
  • Tagged players will be taken back to the base of the other team.
  • To save a tagged friend tag them from within the opposing base.
  • The game is won when the opposing flag is brought back to your home base while your flag is still protected.

Principal Application: Finish with a discussion. How can this game relate to us a students? When does it feel like we are trapped in the enemy’s base? Who is always there to help you?

Duration: 45-60 Mins

Group Size: 8-20

Materials Needed: Games, DI outfits

Set-Up: Bring Games, Meet-Up

Principal Tie-in: Mutual Respect


  • Have FHE group go to DI before the games.
  • Everyone needs to pick out the craziest outfit they can.
  • Meet back up and play games.

Principal Application: Use your fun outfits to highlight a discussion. Everyday we see people who have many different styles and preferences. What does this activity teach you about the way you see and think of others? How can we learn be more accepting of others?

Duration: 30-45 Mins

Group Size: 8-18

Materials Needed: Treats

Set-Up: Prepare treats, select houses to leave treats.

Principal Tie-in: Love


  • Get some treats or make them as a group.
  • Select houses to leave treats at.
  • To doorbell ditch, leave the treats, knock/ring, run!
  • The point is to sneak away before the selected house can figure out who left the treats.

Principal Application: Consider writing uplifting things with the treats. What kind of impact do you think you can make? How do you feel when other randomly serve you?

Duration: 30-60 Mins

Group Size: 8-18

Materials Needed: Buckets, car washing supplies, sign, water balloons(optional).

Set-Up: Pick a spot with water access where passerby’s can see your advertising.

Principal Tie-in: Love


  • Pick a warm day!
  • Create a sign advertising your free carwash.
  • Set up in a good location where people can drive in and see your advertising.
  • Wash their cars!
  • Consider bringing water balloons to have a impromptu fight if you don’t get many “customers”.

Principal Application: Finish the activity with a discussion. What was everyone’s favorite part? Who benefitted most from this activity? How can you pay it forward next time someone does a nice thing for you?

Duration: 30-45 Mins.

Group Size: 8-16

Materials Needed: Phone with built in GPS.

Set-Up: None

Principal Tie-in: Shared Responsibility


  • Go to a geocaching website or app.
  • Consider breaking your FHE group into smaller teams if you have a really big group.
  • Geocaching is an activity where you find hidden capsules, make sure you bring some kind of trinket to place in the geocache!
  • Geocaches are hidden and the website or app will use you GPS to help you find them.
  • While looking for the geocache pick up trash in the nearby area.

Principal Application: Finish with a discussion. What kind of positive effect did you group have on the area you went to? What would campus look like if everyone made it their responsibility to maintain it? What would your apartments look like?

Duration: 20-30 Mins.

Group Size: 8-16

Materials Needed: Golf club, golf ball, cup, tape.

Set-Up: Set up course.

Principal Tie-in: Shared Responsibility


  • Set up a cup in a spot around campus or your apartment to imitate a mini gold course. Consider taping the cup down so it doesn’t move when the ball hits.
  • Move the cup to new locations for new courses.
  • Pick up trash around campus as you play.

Principal Application: Finish with a discussion. What would campus look like if everyone took responsibility to keep things clean? How does this apply to your apartment life? What do you do when you see a mess in your house you didn’t make?

Duration: 30-60 Mins

Group Size: 6-20

Materials Needed: Creativity, TV to view films (optional)

Set-Up: Set TV up

Principal Tie-in: Mutual Respect


  • Pair off or form small teams.
  • The goal is to make a short film
  • Consider picking a theme, such as doing unto others as you would like done unto you. Make it funny include things you wouldn’t want others to do to you and what the contrary would look like. Use a theme you could think is fun or relevant.
  • Give teams a predetermined amount of time to create their films. (There are lots of easy to use apps that are free)
  • Meet back up and view what everyone made!

Principal Application: After viewing the videos have a discussion. What did you learn about the specific theme? What goals can you make to apply the principals you learned?