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Two Brothers Start PC Shop in Meridian

BYU-Idaho Radio · Two Brothers Start PC Shop in Meridian
A pair of brothers who grew up in Pocatello are giving back to Idaho families who are impacted by cancer or are disabled veterans. 

The Pruett brothers recently opened a gaming PC parts store called “Know your Game” in Meridian. They are doing well enough to help the community. 

“We decided to give back to disabled veterans and families impacted by cancer like our family has,” said Eren Pruett, one of the brothers. 

Erin and his brother, Evan, had a brother named Eric Pruett, who recently passed away due to melanoma cancer. They hope they can help others who have dealt with similar traumatic experiences. 

They’re already helping their first family, the White family, who recently lost a daughter to bone cancer. 

“Being able to help a family like that, it not only helps fill our hearts with being able to help someone in honor of our brother, but maybe it’ll help heal them a little bit as well,” Eren said. 

Evan shared the same sentiment. 

“I agree with my brother. The choice of giving back to people who are less fortunate or who didn’t have the same opportunities as you, it just makes you happy,” he said. 

The Pruett brothers have their parents to thank for their love of gaming. They hope this same love they have can be used to help others in need. 

“Our parents got us a Nintendo back in the late 80’s. We’ve all been gamers since that has now evolved into PC gaming. I built my first PC when I was 15 or 16 and just enjoyed doing that,” Eren said. “We did all of that with our older brother Eric, and that’s just how we stayed connected.” 

The brothers are excited for where this company is going. They’re happy to have the support of the community behind them. 

“The outreach and support we’ve gotten from the community has just been awesome. We’re growing rapidly, I’m talking to new people every single day, and it’s been super good,” Eren said. 

If you want to see the Pruett’s mission or products, you can check out their website here.