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Writer of ‘Pocket Miracles’ shares the importance of looking for daily miracles

“Pocket Miracles” book teaches people how to find and document personal miracles in their daily lives.

"Pocket Miracles" and "My Pre-Prayer Planner", both by Karalee Anjewierden
Karalee Anjewierden

Karalee Anjewierden, mother of six, found herself drowning in her busy schedule. Inspired by President Henry B. Eyring’s invitation to find God’s hand in her life every day, she decided to start a gratitude journal.

Little did she know this journal would lead to her writing “Pocket Miracles,” a book that teaches readers how to find and document daily personal miracles.

Anjewierden said miracles can be tiny things that happen every day, like the sun rising.

“I was thinking that miracles were these large manifestations,” Anjewierden said. “And, what I slowly started to learn, was that they’re not. They’re these tiny little fingerprints that God leaves all over our lives every day if we’re watching for them.”

Since she started journaling daily miracles, Anjewierden has noticed she feels more connected to God and has observed several benefits, including stress relief.

“It has changed my life from one of chaos and stress, not that those are not there anymore,” she said. “They’re still there, but the power that they have over me is minimal, because I know God’s with me, and I trust that He has the broader picture and He’s carrying me through.”

The author is also a public speaker. While she speaks mostly in Utah, Anjewierden has also spoken to a Relief Society group in Nashville, Tennessee and is open to traveling.

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Anjewierden presenting
Karalee Anjewierden

The public response to “Pocket Miracles” has been positive, she said.

“I wasn’t sure how it would be received, because we weren’t really talking about miracles. And then, right about that time, was when President (Russell M.) Nelson gave his talk and said, ‘expect miracles,’ and I think that the social media at this point is starting to explode with other people talking about miracles. I’m so excited about that, because it’s a message God wants out there,” the author said.

In addition to “Pocket Miracles,” Anjewierden is also the creator of “My Pre-Prayer Planner,” a book that guides users to journal in preparation for more intentional prayer.

You can order “Pocket Miracles” here and “My Pre-Prayer Planner” here.