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The Ronald McDonald House Charites of Idaho holds 5th annual Fundraising for Families event

RMHC building.jpeg
Brian Myrick

The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Idaho has been in Boise for 36 years. With the help of Lori Priest, the RMHC made its way to Eastern Idaho five years ago and is located at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (EIRMC). As the director of community engagement for the RMHC in Eastern Idaho, Priest shares information about the programs provided by the RMHC and organizes events to raise money, such as the 5th Annual Fundraising for Families event.

With sponsors like Teton Toyota, Westmark Credit Union and Silver Star Communication, the Fundraising for Families event can help raise even more money for Eastern Idaho families.

“We couldn't do what we do without our sponsors,” Priest said. “They provide so much help, financially to help us put into place an event that will encourage our community to give.”

The Ronald McDonald House works together with the hospital to help families with ill or injured children in the hospital.

“It's difficult having an ill or injured child. It's very scary, and it wears on you as a parent,” Priest said. “You're very concerned about them. So, we want to provide them with a home away from home where they can come down, get away from the beeps and the bells, and take a minute for themselves so that they can regain some strength to, go and be beside their child and help them on the difficult journey that they're having at the hospital.”

Priest says the goal of the fundraiser is not only to raise money for families, but also raise awareness about the RMHC.

“The awareness aspect is huge for this three-day fundraiser,” Priest said. “We want people to know where we're located and how we can help them or their loved ones. And we also want to hopefully raise $70,000 that will help us continue our mission to provide a home away from home for families here.”

Community sponsors will match each donation made by supporters of the RMHC.

“And so, it's a fun event to put together,” Priest said. “I love it because you really can't outgrow it. It can just grow as big and wide and far as our supporters are willing to share it.”

The event started on March 11 and is set to end at midnight on March 13.

“Although, if there are some donations that trickle in for the next 12 to 48 hours after that, we'll certainly have the donation link open,” Priest said.

For more information on how to donate, head to their website or text the code RMFR24 to 243725.