Idaho Falls is an ever growing and changing community. Brad Cramer, the director of the Idaho Falls Community Development Services Department said that Imagine IF is an opportunity for community members to give their input on what they would like that change to look like.
“It’s a conversation with our community about how our community is growing and changing. What our citizens would like to see happen as we grow and change. The final result will be an update to the cities comprehensive plan and growth philosophy,” Cramer said.
He said, though, that the phrase “final result” is used loosely, because he hopes the conversation is a continuous one. He said that, even after the document is adopted later this year, they plan on talking regularly with the community.
“That’s part of our mission is to find out what the citizens of Idaho Falls want to see and then structure policies, codes, and programs around those wishes and desires,” Cramer said.
A public workshop about feedback they have already received will be held from 6 – 8 p.m. on July 27. Attendees do not need to be at the workshop the entire time. The workshop will be an open house format with a short presentation that will be repeated every 30 minutes. For more information visit the Idaho Falls website.