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Devotional News

Church leader speaks about life's choices at BYU-Idaho devotional

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REXBURG— Michael T. Nelson, the second counselor in the Young Men General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has a firm testimony and belief in the power and effect of the choices people make in this life.

In an interview with BYU-Idaho Radio, Brother Nelson says it’s important to make choices with the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

“In my view, we are more obsessed over being right, that we are almost not acting. And so, the world is acting upon us. Let's lead out, let's act, and let's make choices,” Nelson said.

In his devotional address at BYU-Idaho, Brother Nelson shared a story of his grandson who questioned the importance of this mortal life. The question led to a discussion on choices, and how people must experience choosing for themselves.

“Our Heavenly Father knows the choices we will make and who we will become, but He doesn't predetermine or dictate them for us,” Nelson said. “Making choices and having experiences shape us into who God knows we will become. He won't do that for us.”

Brother Nelson referred to Church President Russell M. Nelson when he spoke about obsessions. He said people often think of obsessions that could replace God and affect positive decision making.

“President Nelson reminds us that we can change our behavior, our very desires can change. How? There is only one way. True change, permanent change, can come only through the healing, cleansing, and enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ,” Nelson said. “Living Christ's gospel brings real conversion—a transformation that changes who we are and how we want to live. This process of conversion strengthens our appetite for all good things.”

Brother Nelson told BYU-Idaho Radio that understanding why people make certain decisions is important in their eternal progression.

“And ultimately, it is the choices we make. And so, to make the choice for ourselves, rather than just complying, allows us to declare ourselves and what kind of life we want to live in the next life,” he said.