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Congressman Mike Simpson: Insights on the challenges of politics

United States Capitol building, Washington DC

In our country’s Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., you’ll find Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson. He says he works to make Idaho and the United States better for its citizens. But with politics, much like most things, there are a lot of obstacles and challenges along the way, he says.

“Politics is the art of the possible,” Simpson said in an interview with BYU-Idaho Radio in his office in the Rayburn Building.

Reflecting on the difficulties of decision-making in politics, Simpson explained that there is a lot of debating and compromising that must be done for plans to work. With such a diverse nation, he says it’s tough to make a decision to appease everyone.

“While certain issues are rooted in deeply held beliefs, the bulk of legislative decisions require pragmatic compromise,” he explained. “Effective governance hinges on finding common ground for the betterment of all.”

Simpson says his top priorities are working on the appropriations budget and helping foreign agricultural workers get right with the law. Simpson is also working on securing funding for community projects, as well as supporting firefighters who fight wildfires, such as the ones in California back in 2020-2021.

“I wouldn’t want a government that’s easy to run. I wouldn’t want a government where everybody that has a new idea can just make a law with it. It ought to go through the rigors of debate and having to convince other members that what you want to do is right,” he said.

Although being a politician and living in the public eye is very challenging, Simpson says there’s nothing he would rather be doing. He has served in Congress since 1999. Much like any job, there are good days and bad days, but Simpson is proud to represent the people of Idaho and to be their voice in Congress.