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The BYU-Idaho Career Center to host multiple career fairs in the coming weeks

Throughout each semester, the BYU-Idaho Career Center offers a number of career and job fairs for students to meet with potential employers.

Career Center Image
Career Center hosts a fair

The goal of every university is to best prepare its students for life after college. Likewise, it is the mission of the BYU-Idaho Career Center to empower students by helping them develop their personal plan and offer resources to help them find their career after college. The Career Center offers varying tools and activities to help accomplish this effort, foremost among them are their career and job fairs.  

“We always encourage students to just come to these fairs … just to check things out and even see what kind of opportunities are out there,” says Janet Barton, the marketing and events coordinator for the Career Center.

Barton is in charge of organizing several of the upcoming fairs at the Career Center. 

On Wednesday, the Career Center will host an agriculture and horticulture fair for students looking to get jobs or internships in this field. On March 27, they will host a spring job fair for students looking for a local position over the spring or summer, and the next day, on March 28, they will host a wealth management fair called, “Meet the Advisors” for students interested in careers in financial planning or management.  

These opportunities are just a few of the fairs held at the Career Center. These fairs are open for students to come and just explore their interests.  

“It’s helpful for students who are still exploring their major, to decide ‘is this really something I want to do?’ … for upperclassmen, juniors and seniors, it can also help students start thinking about careers, maybe what jobs they want after college, and maybe they can start getting into those positions as well,” Barton says. 

Additionally, the fairs can help students find internships, establish networking connections and offer new career options students might want to explore. 

You can find a complete list of the fairs the center will host, as well as the companies attending, on their online tool called “Handshake” at You can also use Handshake to make an appointment to practice resume and cover letter building, LinkedIn profile set-up, mock job interviews and more job market readiness services.