Finding yourself unprepared in a disaster can mean the difference between life and death. It can cause stress and anxiety that could have easily been avoided. It is better to prepare now for a disaster rather than wait until after the fact.
In an interview with BYU-Idaho Radio, Robert Hendriks, the U.S. spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses, said they encourage “go-bags” or bug-out-bags to be prepared with each family in their congregations around the U.S.
“We value life… so when it comes to disasters, being prepared really is a big part of staying alive and being able to handle something in a calm way, having less anxiety and having a plan,” Hendriks said.
Hendriks said the go-bags typically contain extra clothes, survival gear, flashlights, batteries, food, blankets, water, hygienic products and anything else someone may need to survive away from home for several days.
“There’s a proverb that says the shrewd person sees the danger, and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keeps on going and suffers the consequences. We don’t want our congregants suffering the consequences,” Hendriks said.
He also said it’s easy to say, “It won’t happen to me,” but then when it does, it hurts much more than it would have if you had only prepared.
To learn more about “go-bags” and what to do to prepare for emergencies, visit this website.